Sunday, February 13, 2011

If you could move to any foreign country, where would you move to?


Ask me anything

if you could meet any person in the world who would it be

u knw the answer

Ask me anything

have you ever hit some one

Not in skool,thrashed my lil bro though!! ha ha ha

Ask me anything

have you ever been in love

yup! with my mom & dad,still going strong!!

Ask me anything

whats one thing you like about your self

Simple being,yet sumtimes intricate!lol

Ask me anything

whats one thing you dont like about your self

Sumtimes take unneccesary pressure

Ask me anything

if you had one wish what would it be

1 wish 4 more wishes

Ask me anything

what does your heart feel

I need 2 make my heart feel more rather than think! lol

Ask me anything

do you let music speak for you when you cant say what you feel


Ask me anything

what would be your best day be!!

SUM MAKING me happy!

Ask me anything

what do you thank of me!!!!

I dnt think, i feel :)))

Ask me anything

what would you do on a date!

Do something special

Ask me anything